# Misc



This is just an sample to exemplify organization, please do not rely on the content!

# Boot


Quirk Enabled Comment
HideAuxiliary YES Press space to show macOS recovery and other auxiliary entries
More in-depth Info
  • HideAuxiliary: YES
    • This option will hide supplementary entries, such as macOS recovery and tools, in the picker. Hiding auxiliary entries may increase boot performance on multi-disk systems. You can press space at the picker to show these entries

# Debug


Helpful for debugging OpenCore boot issues(We'll be changing everything but DisplayDelay):

Quirk Enabled
AppleDebug YES
ApplePanic YES
DisableWatchDog YES
Target 67
More in-depth Info
  • AppleDebug: YES
    • Enables boot.efi logging, useful for debugging. Note this is only supported on 10.15.4 and newer
  • ApplePanic: YES
    • Attempts to log kernel panics to disk
  • DisableWatchDog: YES
    • Disables the UEFI watchdog, can help with early boot issues
  • DisplayLevel: 2147483650
    • Shows even more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore
  • SysReport: NO
    • Helpful for debugging such as dumping ACPI tables
    • Note that this is limited to DEBUG versions of OpenCore
  • Target: 67
    • Shows more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore

These values are based of those calculated in OpenCore debugging

# Security


Security is pretty self-explanatory, do not skip. We'll be changing the following:

Quirk Enabled Comment
AllowSetDefault YES
BlacklistAppleUpdate YES
ScanPolicy 0
SecureBootModel Default Leave this as Default for OpenCore to automatically set the correct value corresponding to your SMBIOS. The next page goes into more detail about this setting.
Vault Optional This is a word, it is not optional to omit this setting. You will regret it if you don't set it to Optional, note that it is case-sensitive
More in-depth Info
  • AllowSetDefault: YES

    • Allow CTRL+Enter and CTRL+Index to set default boot device in the picker
  • ApECID: 0

    • Used for netting personalized secure-boot identifiers, currently this quirk is unreliable due to a bug in the macOS installer so we highly encourage you to leave this as default.
  • AuthRestart: NO

    • Enables Authenticated restart for FileVault 2 so password is not required on reboot. Can be considered a security risk so optional
  • BlacklistAppleUpdate: YES

    • Used for blocking firmware updates, used as extra level of protection as macOS Big Sur no longer uses run-efi-updater variable
  • DmgLoading: Signed

    • Ensures only signed DMGs load
  • ExposeSensitiveData: 6

    • Shows more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore
  • Vault: Optional

    • We won't be dealing vaulting so we can ignore, you won't boot with this set to Secure
    • This is a word, it is not optional to omit this setting. You will regret it if you don't set it to Optional, note that it is case-sensitive
  • ScanPolicy: 0

    • 0 allows you to see all drives available, please refer to Security (opens new window) section for further details. Will not boot USB devices with this set to default
  • SecureBootModel: Default

# Serial

Used for serial debugging (Leave everything as default).

# Tools

Used for running OC debugging tools like the shell, ProperTree's snapshot function will add these for you.

# Entries

Used for specifying irregular boot paths that can't be found naturally with OpenCore.

Won't be covered here, see 8.6 of Configuration.pdf (opens new window) for more info