# Fixing Resolution and Verbose

Wanting a more clean booting experience with macOS without all that verbose text while booting? Well you need a couple things:

# macOS Decluttering

Misc -> Debug

  • Set AppleDebug to False, this will remove boot.efi debugging right at the start of booting.

NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:

  • Remove -v from boot-args in your config.plist

NVRAM -> Add -> 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:

  • UIScale
    • 01: Standard resolution
    • 02: HiDPI (generally required for FileVault to function correctly on smaller displays)

UEFI -> Output:

  • TextRenderer set toBuiltinGraphics
  • Resolution: set to Max for best results
    • Optionally can specify resolution: WxH@Bpp (e.g. 1920x1080@32) or WxH (e.g. 1920x1080)
  • ProvideConsoleGop set to True

If still having issues, see Configuration.pdf (opens new window) for all possible options.

# OpenCore Decluttering

So if you followed closely to this guide during install, you'll likely be running the debug version of OpenCore and a .txt file would be created on each boot. For those who want to remove OpenCore's extra debugging messages and that .txt file generation, see below:

Inside your config.plist:

Inside your EFI:

  • Replace the following files with the release versions (opens new window)(if previously using DEBUG versions):
    • EFI/BOOT/
      • BOOTx64.efi
    • EFI/OC/Drivers/
      • OpenRuntime.efi
    • EFI/OC/
      • OpenCore.efi