# Legacy Intel Setup

Covers support for the following GPU models:

  • GMA 900 (10.4 and 10.5)
    • Partial support in 10.6 and 10.7, however acceleration issues are common
  • GMA 950(10.4-10.7)
    • GMA 3150's can be spoofed for support, however proper acceleration is missing
  • GMA X3100(10.5-10.7)
    • Note only mobile models(ie. 965 Express Chipset Family)

Please note this page is more of an info dump, we won't be going to too great of detail on setup though we plan to expand this page more for it. Information is based off of Clover's InjectIntel (opens new window)

# Prerequisites

Unfortunately GMA support is a bit more complicated with PCs, and because of this we need to force a 32-Bit kernelspace as the 64-Bit GMA drivers are known for weird GPU corruption and sleep issues. To do this:

  • Ensure all your kexts are either 32-Bit or FAT
  • Ensure you're booting a 32-Bit kernel
    • Set Kernel -> Scheme -> KernelArch to i386

Now we can proceed to setup:

# GMA 950 setup

  • Supported OSes: 10.4-10.7

This section is mainly relevant for GMA 900 and 950 users, and partial support for the GMA 3150 series. Note that GMA 900 are only properly supported in 10.4 and 10.5

Within AppleIntelGMA950.kext's Info.plist, the following Device IDs are supported:

# Values pulled from OS X 10.7.0
0x2582 - GMA 900 - Grantsdale - 945GM/GMS/940GML
0x2592 - GMA 900 - Alviso     - 945G
0x2772 - GMA 950 - Lakeport   - 915GM/GMS/910GML
0x27A2 - GMA 950 - Calistoga  - 82915G/GV/910GL

If your iGPU is from one of the above families, but the device ID is not present you can easily add a fake device-id:

# GMA 950(Calistoga) Fake ID
 |- Add
  |- PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)
   |- device-id | Data | A2270000

For a full list of supported GPU families, see below:

GMA Device families

Following pulled from Clover's GMA.c:

# Grantsdale
0x2582 - GMA 900 - 945GM/GMS/940GML
0x258A - GMA 900 - E7221
0x2782 - GMA 900 - 82915G

# Alviso
0x2592 - GMA 900 - 915GM/GMS/910GML
0x2792 - GMA 900 - 915GM/GMS/910GML

# Lakeport
0x2772 - GMA 950 - 915GM/GMS/910GML
0x2776 - GMA 950 - 915GM/GMS/910GML

# Calistoga
0x27A2 - GMA 950 - 82915G/GV/910GL
0x27A6 - GMA 950 - 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML
0x27AE - GMA 950 - 945GSE

# Property injection

To ensure proper acceleration with OpenCore, head to your config.plist then DeviceProperties -> Add. Create a new child called PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) and we'll be adding our needed properties:

Desktops need very little properties, and most of the time can boot without any:

  • Desktop:
| model         | String | GMA 950  | // Mainly cosmetic
| AAPL,HasPanel | Data   | 00000000 |
  • Laptop:
| model                     | String | GMA 950  | // Mainly cosmetic
| AAPL,HasPanel             |  Data  | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,BacklightIntensity |  Data  | 3F000008 |
| AAPL01,BootDisplay        |  Data  | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,DataJustify        |  Data  | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,DualLink           |  Data  | 00       |

* Set AAPL01,DualLink to 01 if your internal display is higher than 1366x768

For a full list of what Clover injects, see below:

Clover's InjectIntel Properties

The below properties is what Clover will inject for GMA 900/950 series iGPUs:

| built-in                  | Data | 01       |
| AAPL,HasPanel             | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,BacklightIntensity | Data | 3F000008 |
| AAPL01,BootDisplay        | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,DataJustify        | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,Dither             | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Interlace          | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Inverter           | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,InverterCurrent    | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,LinkFormat         | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,LinkType           | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Pipe               | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,Refresh            | Data | 3B000000 |
| AAPL01,Stretch            | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T1                 | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T2                 | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,T3                 | Data | C8000000 |
| AAPL01,T4                 | Data | C8010000 |
| AAPL01,T5                 | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,T6                 | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T7                 | Data | 90100000 |

For GMA 3150 users, you'll also want to add this patch:

GMA 3150 Patch

Under Kernel -> Patch, add the following:

Comment    = GMA 3150 Cursor corruption fix
Enabled    = True
Identifier = com.apple.driver.AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer
Find       = 8b550883bab0000000017e36890424e832bbffff
Replace    = b800000002909090909090909090eb0400000000
MaxKernel  = 11.99.99
MinKernel  = 8.00.00

Source: GMA.c (opens new window)

# GMA X3100 Setup

  • Supported OSes: 10.5-10.7

Within AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext's Info.plist, the following Device IDs are supported:

# Values pulled from OS X 10.7.0
0x2a02 - GMA X3100 - Crestline - GM965/GL960

If your iGPU is from the Crestline family, however the device ID is not present you can easily add a fake device-id:

# GMA X3100(Crestline) Fake ID
 |- Add
  |- PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)
   |- device-id | Data | 022A0000

For a full list of supported GPU families, see below:

GMA Device families

Following pulled from Clover's GMA.c:

# Calistoga
0x2A02 - GMA X3100 - GM965/GL960
0x2A03 - GMA X3100 - GM965/GL960
0x2A12 - GMA X3100 - GME965/GLE960
0x2A13 - GMA X3100 - GME965/GLE960

# Property injection

To ensure proper acceleration with OpenCore, head to your config.plist then DeviceProperties -> Add. Create a new child called PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) and we'll be adding our needed properties:

X3100 need very little properties, and most of the time can boot without any:

| model                     | String | GMA X3100 | // Mainly cosmetic
| AAPL,HasPanel             |  Data  | 01000000  |
| AAPL,SelfRefreshSupported |  Data  | 01000000  | // Optional
| AAPL,aux-power-connected  |  Data  | 01000000  | // Optional
| AAPL,backlight-control    |  Data  | 01000008  | // Optional
| AAPL01,BacklightIntensity |  Data  | 38000008  |
| AAPL01,BootDisplay        |  Data  | 01000000  |
| AAPL01,DataJustify        |  Data  | 01000000  |
| AAPL01,DualLink           |  Data  | 00        |

* Set AAPL01,DualLink to 01 if your internal display is higher than 1366x768

For a full list of what Clover injects, see below:

Clover's InjectIntel Properties

The below properties is what Clover will inject for GMA 900/950 series iGPUs:

| built-in                       | Data | 01       |
| AAPL,HasPanel                  | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL,SelfRefreshSupported      | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL,aux-power-connected       | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL,backlight-control         | Data | 01000008 |
| AAPL00,blackscreen-preferences | Data | 00000008 |
| AAPL01,BootDisplay             | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,BacklightIntensity      | Data | 38000008 |
| AAPL01,blackscreen-preferences | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,DataJustify             | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,Dither                  | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Interlace               | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Inverter                | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,InverterCurrent         | Data | 08520000 |
| AAPL01,LinkFormat              | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,LinkType                | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,Pipe                    | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,Refresh                 | Data | 3D000000 |
| AAPL01,Stretch                 | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T1                      | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T2                      | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,T3                      | Data | C8000000 |
| AAPL01,T4                      | Data | C8010000 |
| AAPL01,T5                      | Data | 01000000 |
| AAPL01,T6                      | Data | 00000000 |
| AAPL01,T7                      | Data | 90100000 |

# Troubleshooting

# Dell laptops

An annoying issues with Dell laptops using GMA iGPUs is that they commonly get blackscreen during boot. This is due to the DVI device in ACPI, so we'll need to patch it to play nicely in macOS.

Example SSDT:

DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "DRTNIA", "SsdtDvi", 0x00001000)
    External (_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.GFX0.DVI_, DeviceObj)

    Scope (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.GFX0.DVI)
        Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)  // _STA: Status
            If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
                Return (0)
                Return (0x0F)

# Kernel Panic after 30 seconds

Another odd issues with 10.6 and older is that the PciRoot's _UID value must be Zero else the kernel panic will happen. Example of bad UID entry:

Device (PCI0)  {
 Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0A08")) // Use PNP0A08 to find your PciRoot
 Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0A03"))
 Name (_ADR, One)
 Name (_UID, Zero)               // Needs to be patched to Zero