# Explaining the patches in OpenCore Legacy Patcher
In our patcher, there are numerous patches used to ensure a stable system. Here, we're going to go over what patches are used and why we recommend or even require them.
# OpenCore Settings
Below is a rundown of the main logic that OpenCore Legacy Patcher uses to gain native support in macOS. Note that OpenCore's configuration is documented within OpenCorePkg (opens new window) as well as on an online version provided by us:
Configuration Explanation
# ACPI -> Add
- Reason: Resolves Kernel Panic on Arrandale Macs in early Big Sur builds
- Logic: Disable dummy CPBG device in ACPI
- Models: MacBookPro6,x and iMac11,x
- Reason: Patch Windows Audio support for Sandy and Ivy Bridge
- Logic: Removes PCI0's 32-bit Allocation Limitation
- Models: All Sandy and Ivy Bridge Macs, excluding MacPro6,1
- Reason: Allows for software based deMUX disabling dGPUs in 2011 MacBook Pros
- Logic: Sends power down request to dGPU via ACPI
- Models: MacBookPro8,2 and MacBookPro8,3 with dead dGPUs
# ACPI -> Patch
Patches- Reason: Required for proper USB operation
- Logic: Avoids USB maps of newer models attaching and breaking USB port functionality
- Models: All models require when spoofing with Moderate or Advanced SMBIOS
Patch- Reason: To be paired with SSDT-PCI
Patch- Reason: To be paired with SSDT-DGPU
# Booter -> Patch
- Reroute
- Reason: Allows macOS installers to be used on unsupported models
- Logic: Reroutes Board ID macOS checks to custom variable
- Models: All systems using VMM spoofing
# Booter -> Quirks
- ForceBooterSignature
- Reason: Required to ensure Hibernation support
- Logic: Tricks boot.efi into thinking OpenCore is Apple's firmware
- Models: All models require
# DeviceProperties -> Add
- Reason: Required to ensure Brightness Control works on upgraded iMacs
- Logic: Sets AppleBackLight properties
- Models: iMac11,x and iMac12,x with upgraded NVIDIA Metal GPUs
- Reason: Disables internal GPU to fix sleep issues on upgraded iMacs
- Logic: Tricks macOS into thinking iGPU is a generic PCI device
- Models: iMac12,x with upgraded Metal GPUs
# Kernel -> Patch
- SMC Patch
- Reason: Required to avoid SMC Firmware updates
- Logic: Patches out
in AppleSMC.kext, requires SMC-Spoof.kext for full functionality - Models: All models require when spoofing SMBIOS
- IOHIDFamily Patch
- Reason: Required for HID peripheral support in macOS on older hardware
- Logic: Tricks IOHIDFamily into thinking it's always booting recovery
- Models: Penryn CPUs (Core2 series)
- Force FileVault on Broken Seal Patch
- Reason: Allow FileVault on root patched Macs
- Logic: Forces APFS.kext to always return true on FileVault support
- Models: Any model needing root patches
- Disable Library Validation Enforcement Patch
- Reason: non-Metal Root Volume Patches do not pass library validation tests
- Logic: Forces Library Validation function to always return not required
- Models: Non-Metal GPUs
- SurPlus Patch
- Reason: macOS 11.3-12.0.1 require systems to have RDRAND support in the CPU for stable boot
- Logic: Forces RDRAND code to return predetermined value
- Models: All pre-Ivy Bridge Macs
- Reroute
Patch- Reason: Allows macOS to be installed and updated on unsupported hardware
- Logic: Forces userspace to see system as Virtual Machine
- Models: Any model using VMM spoofing
# Kernel -> Quirks
- ThirdPartyDrives
- Reason: Required to avoid Hibernation wake issues on 3rd party drives
- Logic: Patches AppleAHCIPort.kext into support
- Models: All models with standard SATA ports
- PanicNoKextDump
- Reason: Avoids kext dump on kernel panics, easier kernel debugging
- Logic: Patches Kernel to not dump dump unnecessary info
- Models: Only set when Verbose Boot is enabled by the user
# Misc -> Security
- SecureBootModel
- Reason: Required to allow native OS updates on T2 model spoofs
- Logic: Sets T2's Secure Enclave Identifier
- Models: All models required that spoof T2 model with minimal or higher
# NVRAM -> Add
-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100
- Reason: Used to see debug info of macOS's kernel and kexts, and avoids reboots on panic
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Only set when Verbose Boot is enabled by the user
- Reason: Enables Lilu and plugin debug logging
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Only set when Kext DEBUG is enabled by the user
- Reason: Sets message buffer size to 1MB, ensures boot logs are retained
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Only set when Kext DEBUG is enabled by the user
- Reason: Fixes GPU switching on MacBookPro9,x
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: MacBookPro9,x
shikigva=80 unfairgva=1
shikigva=128 unfairgva=1 -wegtree
- Reason: Fixes DRM support on models with upgraded AMD Metal GPUs
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Models with upgraded AMD Metal GPUs
- Reason: Enables Content Caching when using VMM spoofing
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Any model using VMM spoofing
- Reason: Disables Apple Mobile File Integrity to allow for root patches
- Logic: Adds args to NVRAM
- Models: Any model that requires unsigned root patches
# UEFI -> ProtocolOverrides
- GopPassThrough
- Reason: Used for proper output on machines with UGA firmware but GOP GPU
- Logic: Provide GOP protocol instances on top of UGA protocol instances
- Models: MacPro3,1, iMac7,1-8,1
# Injected Kext
Below is an explanation of what Kexts OpenCore Legacy Patcher will inject into memory on boot-up.
Injected Kext Explanation
# Acidanthera
- Lilu
- Reason: Patching engine for other kexts
- Models: All models require
- WhateverGreen
- Reason: Patches GPU Frameworks and kext to ensure proper support
- Models: All models require when spoofing or have non-stock GPU
- CPUFriend
- Reason: Patches IOx86PlatformPlugin to restore previous CPU profiles
- Models: All models using minimal or higher spoofing
- AirportBrcmFixup
- Reason: Patches IO80211 and co to fix networking support for unsupported cards, and fix bugs on native ones as well (ie. random degraded network performance)
- Models: BCM943224, BCM94331, BCM94360 and BCM943602
- BlueToolFixup
- Reason: Patches BlueTool to enable bluetooth functionality on Monterey
- Models: All models with pre-BCM94360 wireless cards or 3rd-party chipsets
- Bluetooth-Spoof
- Reason: Injects extra data into certain bluetooth chipsets for recognition by the system
- Models: Models with the BCM2070 or BCM2046 chipsets
- FeatureUnlock (Night Shift)
- Reason: Patches CoreBrightness.framework to enable Night Shift on unsupported models
- Models: 2011 or older
- FeatureUnlock (Sidecar/AirPlay)
- Reason: Patches SidecarCore.framework and AirPlaySupport.framework to enable Sidecar and AirPlay to Mac on unsupported models
- Models: All models with Metal capable GPUs
- RestrictEvents
- Reason: Disables memory errors on MacPro7,1
- Models: Mac Pros and Xserves
- CryptexFixup
- Reason: Installs non AVX2.0 Cryptex on non AVX2.0 CPUs
- Models: All CPUs Ivy Bridge and older
- AutoPkgInstaller
- Reason: Allows for automatic root patching
- NVMeFix
- Reason: Fixes 3rd party NVMe support
- RSRHelper
- Reason: Fixes Rapid Security Response Support on root patched installs
# Ethernet
- nForceEthernet
- Reason: Inject old NVIDIA Ethernet kext to resolve networking in Catalina and newer
- Models: 2010 and older NVIDIA Ethernet require
- MarvelYukonEthernet
- Reason: Inject old Marvel Ethernet kext to resolve networking in Catalina and newer
- Models: 2008 and older Marvel Ethernet require
- CatalinaBCM5701Ethernet
- Reason: Inject old Broadcom Ethernet kext to resolve networking in Big Sur
- Logic: Patch out conflicting symbols to not collide existing BCM5701Ethernet
- Models: 2011 and older Broadcom Ethernet require
- Intel82574L
- Reason: Resolves Ethernet Support on MacPros
- Models: MacPro3,1 - 5,1
- CatalinaIntelI210Ethernet
- Reason: Fixes Intel i210/i225 NIC support on pre-Ivy Macs
- AppleIntel8254XEthernet
- Reason: Resolves Ethernet Support on MacPros
- Models: MacPro3,1 - 5,1
# Firewire
- IOFireWireFamily
- Reason: Allows for FireWire Boot Support
- IOFireWireSBP2
- Reason: Allows for FireWire Boot Support
- IOFireWireSerialBusProtoColTransport
- Reason: Allows for FireWire Boot Support
# Maps
- USBMap
- Reason: Inject old USB map profiles to fix USB
- Models: All models require when spoofing moderate or higher, as well as pre-2012 models
- Reason: Translates SSE4.2 instructions to compatible code for SSE4,1 CPUs, required for AMD Metal drives
- Models: MacPro3,1
- telemetrap
- Reason: Ensures telemetry.plugin doesn't run, required for SSE4,1 CPUs
- Models: Penryn CPUs
# Wifi
- IO80211ElCap
- Reason: Re-inject WiFi drivers from El Capitan
- Models: BCM94328, BCM94322 and Atheros chipsets
- corecaptureElCap.kext
- Reason: Re-inject WiFi drivers from El Capitan
- Models: BCM94328, BCM94322 and Atheros chipsets
# Misc
- AppleBackLightFixup
- Reason: Patch AppleBacklight for iMacs with NVIDIA Metal GPU upgrades
- Models: iMac11,x, iMac12,x with upgraded NVIDIA Metal GPUs
- AppleIntelPIIXATA
- Reason: Fix IDE support on MacPro3,1
- Models: MacPro3,1
- AppleIntelMCEDisabler
- Reason: Fix dual socket support in Catalina and newer
- Models: Mac Pros and Xserves
- SMC-Spoof
- Reason: Spoofs SMC version to 9.9999
- Models: All models require when spoofing minimal or higher
- AppleRAIDCard
- Adds AppleRaidCard Support for Xserves
- AMDGPUWakeHandler
- Reason: Adds Software Based Demux for 2011 15/17 Macbook Pros
- AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement and AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient
- Reason: Restores Ivy Bridge and older CPU Power Management
- AppleUSBTopCase
- Reason: Restore USB Keyboard support on Mac OS Ventura
- AppleUSBMultitouch and AppleUSBTrackpad
- Reason: Restore USB Trackpad support on Mac OS Ventura
- ASPP-Override
- Reason: Forces ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin to outmatch X86PlatformPlugin and disable firmware throttling
- BacklightInjector
- Reason: Fixes Brightness in iMacs with upgraded GPUs
- BigSurSDXC
- Reason: Restores SDXC Support in Pre Ivy-Bridge Macs
- Bluetooth-spoof
- Reason: Spoofs legacy Bluetooth to work on Monterey and newer
- Innie
- Reason: Makes all PCIe drives appear internal
- Models: MacPro3,1 and newer & Xserve3,1 and newer
- KDKlessWorkaround
- Reason: Helps with Mac os updates on KDKless patched systems
- LegacyUSBVieoSupport
- Reason: Fixes Legacy USB iSight support
- MonteAHCIPort
- Reason: Fixes SSD support for stock SSD found in MacBookAir6,x
- NoAVXFSCompressionTypeZlib
- Reason: Prevents AVXFSCompressionTypeZlib crash on pre AVX1.0 systems in 12.4+
- SimpleMSR
- Reason: Disables BD PROCHOT to prevent firmware throttling on Nehalem+ MacBooks
- LegacyKeyboardInjector
- Reason: Fixes function keys on MacBook5,2
# On-Disk Patches
Unfortunately certain on-disk patches are required to achieve full functionality. Below is a breakdown of patches supported
Audio Patches (11.0+)
# Extensions
- AppleHDA
- Reason: Re-add El Capitan's AppleHDA to achieve audio support
- Models: iMac7,1 and iMac8,1
Legacy Wireless Patches (12.0+)
Applicable for BCM94328, BCM94322 and Atheros Wifi cards
# CoreServices
- WiFiAgent.app
# /usr/libexec
- airportd
NVIDIA Kepler Graphics Acceleration Patches (12.0+)
# Extensions
- GeForce.kext
- GeForceAIRPlugin.bundle
- GeForceGLDriver.bundle
- GeForceMTLDriver.bundle
- GeForceVADriver.bundle
- NVDAGF100Hal.kext
- NVDAGK100Hal.kext
- NVDAResman.kext
- NVDAStartup.kext
# Frameworks
- OpenCL (libCLVMNVPTXPlugin.dylib, NVPTX.dylib)
- Reason: Re-add Kepler hardware acceleration support
- Metal
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a Metal downgrade to 13.2.1
# PrivateFrameworks
- MTLCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a MTLCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
- GPUCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a GPUCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
Intel Ivy Bridge Graphics Acceleration Patches (12.0+)
# Extensions
- AppleIntelIVBVA.bundle
- AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext
- AppleIntelGraphicsShared.bundle
- AppleIntelHD4000Graphics.kext
- AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
# PrivateFrameworks
- AppleGVA/AppleGVACore
- Reason: Enable DRM support
- MTLCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a MTLCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
- GPUCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a GPUCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
# Frameworks
- OpenCL (libCLVMIGILPlugin.dylib)
- Reason: Re-add Ivy Bridge hardware acceleration support
- WebKit (com.apple.WebProcess.sb)
- Reason: Re-add Ivy Bridge Safari rendering support
- Metal
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a Metal downgrade to 13.2.1
Intel Haswell Graphics Acceleration Patches (13.0+)
# Extensions
- AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext
- AppleIntelHD5000Graphics.kext
- AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsMTLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHSWVA.bundle
- AppleIntelGraphicsShared.bundle
# Frameworks
- Metal
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a Metal downgrade to 13.2.1
# PrivateFrameworks
- MTLCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a MTLCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
- GPUCompiler
- Reason: 3802 based GPU's broken by 13.3, requiring a GPUCompiler downgrade to 13.2.1
Intel Broadwell Graphics Acceleration Patches (13.0+)
# Extensions
- AppleIntelBDWGraphics.kext
- AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer.kext
- AppleIntelBDWGraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelBDWGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVAME.bundle
- AppleIntelGraphicsShared.bundle
Intel Skylake Graphics Acceleration Patches (13.0+)
# Extensions
- AppleIntelSKLGraphics.kext
- AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext
- AppleIntelSKLGraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelSKLGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelSKLGraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelSKLGraphicsVAME.bundle
- AppleIntelGraphicsShared.bundle
AMD Legacy Vega Graphics Acceleration Patches (13.0+)
# Extensions
- AMDRadeonX5000.kext
- AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle
- AMDRadeonX5000GLDriver.bundle
- AMDRadeonX5000MTLDriver.bundle
- AMDRadeonX5000Shared.bundle
- AMDShared.bundle
AMD Legacy Polaris Graphics Acceleration Patches (13.0+)
# Extensions
- AMDRadeonX4000.kext
- AMDRadeonX4000HWServices.kext
- AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle
- AMDRadeonX4000GLDriver.bundle
- AMDMTLBronzeDriver.bundle
- AMDShared.bundle
AMD Legacy GCN Graphics Acceleration Patches
# Extensions
- AMD7000Controller.kext
- AMD8000Controller.kext
- AMD9000Controller.kext
- AMD9500Controller.kext
- AMD10000Controller.kext
- AMDRadeonX4000.kext
- AMDRadeonX4000HWServices.kext
- AMDFramebuffer.kext
- AMDSupport.kext
- AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle
- AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle
- AMDRadeonX4000GLDriver.bundle
- AMDMTLBronzeDriver.bundle
- AMDShared.bundle
non-Metal Graphics Acceleration Patches (11.0+)
# General Patches
- IOSurface.kext
- Reason: Fixes immediate logout on login
- Logic: Downgrade to Catalina IOSurface
- Note: For AMD and Intel, additional
patch added changing the first conditional jump to non conditional jump- At Offset
, replace following bytes with0xeb
- At Offset
# Dropped Acceleration Binaries
NVIDIA Binaries
- GeForceGA.bundle
- GeForceTesla.kext
- Skip IOFree Panic - Mojave+
- At Offset
replace following bytes with0xEB
- At Offset
- Avoids
calls- At Offset
, replace following bytes with0x909090909090
- At Offset
- Skip IOFree Panic - Mojave+
- GeForceTeslaGLDriver.bundle
- GeForceTeslaVADriver.bundle
- NVDANV50HalTesla.kext
- NVDAResmanTesla.kext
- 0x1ea59a - 0x1ea5b3: nop
- Replace VSLGestalt to IOLockLock or any other known symbol of the same length.
NVIDIA Web Drivers Binaries
- GeForceWeb.kext
- NVDAGF100HalWeb.kext
- NVDAGK100HalWeb.kext
- NVDAGM100HalWeb.kext
- NVDAGP100HalWeb.kext
- NVDAResmanWeb.kext
- NVDAStartupWeb.kext
- GeForceTeslaWeb.kext
- NVDANV50HalTeslaWeb.kext
- NVDAResmanTeslaWeb.kext
- Reason: Allows for non-Metal Acceleration for NVIDIA Maxwell and Pascal GPUs
AMD/ATI Binaries
- AMD2400Controller.kext
- AMD2600Controller.kext
- AMD3800Controller.kext
- AMD4600Controller.kext
- AMD4800Controller.kext
- AMD5000Controller.kext
- AMD6000Controller.kext
- AMDFramebuffer.kext
- AMDLegacyFramebuffer.kext
- AMDLegacySupport.kext
- AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle
- AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle
- AMDRadeonX3000.kext
- AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle
- AMDShared.bundle
- AMDSupport.kext
- ATIRadeonX2000.kext
- ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin
- ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle
Intel 5th Gen Binaries
- AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext
- AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext
- AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsGA.plugin
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsVADriver.bundle
Intel 6th Gen Binaries
- AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
- Board ID Patch
- Replace original Board ID with updated model
- Board ID Patch
- AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
# Frameworks
- CoreDisplay.framework
- Logic: Copied from Mojave, heavy modifications/shims
- IOSurface.framework
- OpenGL.framework
- Logic: Copied from Mojave
# PrivateFrameworks
- GPUSupport.framework
- Logic: Copied from Mojave
- SkyLight.framework
- Logic: Copied from Mojave, heavy modifications/shims